“We should all be millionaires!” Rachel Rodgers declares. It’s the title of her first book and her message of hope for her thriving community of business owners.
A little over a year ago, the Democracy Clothing team discovered the trailblazing entrepreneur Rachel Rodgers, CEO of Hello 7, author and changemaker in the world of online business. She’s a lawyer turned business coach extraordinaire and she’s making a difference in the world. Watching Rachel grow her own wealth and impact, while inspiring others, especially women of color, to do the same, made us want to amplify that mission.
Rachel’s Mission: Help Women Build Wealth
Rachel’s on a quest to teach women how to increase income, build wealth, and earn 7 figures per year—without sacrificing family, health, or sanity in the process. Her message is direct: “Our mission is to help you make more money. Period.” The statistics she shares on her website explain the urgency of her mission.
- Women run 40% of small businesses, but generate only 4% of the revenue.
- Only 6% of women earn six figures per year, compared to 13% of men.
- Women are 35% more likely than men to experience poverty, especially later in life.
- For Black women and other people of color, the statistics are even worse. White families have an average net worth that is 10x more than Black families.
Her winding path to success has taken her from law school to recently appearing on the nationally syndicated Drew Barrymore Show. Along the way, her commitment to empowering women has been unwavering. It’s a mission close to our hearts. With that spirit of appreciation, we reached out last year to see if we could contribute a pair of “Ab”solution jeans for every member at her mastermind retreat. As Rachel was inspiring them to boldly pursue their own wealth, we wanted to instill confidence, so that they could be richly rooted from the bottoms up.
In a video she shared after the event on Instagram, we witnessed the joy Rachel experienced as she declared “You get a pair! You get a pair! You get a pair!” empowering her community with the solid foundation of our “Ab”solution jeans. Pictured is Rachel Rodgers wearing one of her Democracy Clothing jean fit favorites the “Ab”solution® Itty Bitty Boot!
Shaping the Future
Since then, we’ve loved watching Rachel promoting her work dressed in Democracy Clothing. She has made big waves of change in the past year and has even bigger plans for the future. She hosted a “Reimagining Small Business Town Hall” to challenge other industry leaders to build equitable, anti-racist organizations, completed her book “We Should All Be Millionaires: A Woman’s Guide to Earning More, Building Wealth and Gaining Economic Power,” and bought a 57 acre ranch for her family, where she plans to farm and host retreats.
One of the most amazing things Rachel achieved this year was the creation of her “We Should All Be Millionaires The Club” membership community and her million dollar revenue month. That revenue is important because Rachel has long held that change costs money and we need resources to create the world we want to live in.
Empowered from the Bottoms Up
Inspired by Rachel? So are we! And we’re humbled to be a small part of an important mission to help more women grow wealth by being the go to jeans for leaders like Rachel. To learn more about Rachel and follow her work, check out her website, Instagram, Facebook and her new book which came out on May 4th.
If you’re seeking to make change in the world, feeling confident from the bottom up can make a big difference. Build your own solid foundation by picking out a pair of “Ab”solution jeans for yourself.