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Democracy in Action: Stock Our Teachers’ Closets

Back-to-school season is here!

As teachers prepare to inspire a new generation of students, they’re also stocking up on supplies—often at their own expense! Did you know that 94% of teachers spend their own money on classroom supplies, totaling nearly $500 a year on average? With so many classroom resources coming from their own pockets, we believe teachers deserve more support—and we’re committed to shifting this paradigm as the new school year unfolds. At Democracy Clothing, we want to help teachers look good and feel good so they can do good with more ease. That’s why we’re teaming up with DonorsChoose to support teachers in getting what they need in both their classrooms and their wardrobes! 


DonorsChoose: Created by Teachers, for Teachers

In 2000, Charles Best, a teacher at a Bronx public high school, noticed how much his colleagues were spending out of pocket to support their students. He knew there were people who would want to help if they could see exactly where their money was going. That’s when he founded DonorsChoose, a platform where teachers could post requests for classroom resources, allowing donors to directly fund projects that matter. 

Today, teachers from 89% of public schools in America have posted projects on DonorsChoose, and more than 6 million donors have contributed nearly $2 billion to fund classroom needs. From books to tech tools to art supplies, DonorsChoose has helped fund over 3 million projects, ensuring teachers have what they need to create engaging and inspiring environments for their students. It’s a true testament to what happens when communities rally behind educators.


Democracy Clothing + DonorsChoose

When we learned more about DonorsChoose, we knew we wanted to partner with them to support teachers, the unsung heroes of our classrooms and communities. We are so proud to raise awareness about their organization and provide matching grants through their platform. In addition to raising awareness about their organization and providing matching grants through their platform, we’re excited to launch the Democracy Clothing Stock Your Closets Sweepstakes

Here’s how it works: three teachers who enter will each win a $500 DonorsChoose gift card to stock up on classroom supplies, and 25 teachers will receive a $100 Democracy Clothing e-gift card to refresh their wardrobes with our comfy, stylish jeans. Trust us…DonorsChoose and Democracy Clothing are both teacher-approved!

Alyssa Kaplan, a Los Angeles public school elementary school teacher who had a DonorsChoose project funded knows firsthand the benefit of both:

"DonorsChoose is truly an incredible way to unite a community to support teachers. And, I love that they are teaming up with Democracy Clothing! As a kindergarten teacher, I’m constantly moving—squatting to be at eye level with my kiddos, tying shoes, sitting with them for circle time. Democracy jeans are so soft and comfortable; I get to feel stylish while still being able to move freely all day."


Let’s Do Good Together

Teachers work hard to create magic in their classrooms, and we want to help them do it in style. Whether you’re participating in our Stock Your Closets Sweepstakes or spreading the word about DonorsChoose projects, you’re helping teachers to look good and feel good, while doing good for their students.

Let’s stock teachers’ closets—whether with classroom supplies or the perfect jeans, we’re here to support them every step of the way!

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